CD? Disk problem in The AnswerBank: Technology
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CD? Disk problem

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FTVS | 14:08 Mon 03rd Nov 2003 | Technology
4 Answers
I've got my wedding video on CD format and I was told could be opened with quick time. I tried on my PC at home as I had no idea what if it had quicktime or not - it opened but I only got sound. Today on my PC at work (to which I have downloaded quicktime) it comes up corrupted/unreadble. Can this happen overnight? Have I done something? I don't think we have a CD writer and this disk is written to capacity anyway. anyway I'm an idiot about this sort of thing. Is there anything I can do?
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I am just starting with this kind of thing so my knowledge is sketchy. I think that the video must be burnt to the CD and if so it will play on a DVD player. That is why I think it does not open on the PC. I am burning photos onto CD-R using Nero and they play on a CD. I have been told that DVD plays a number of formats including video on CD-R.Hope someone else can help you as well.
I doubt you have done anything wrong. It could be as 'robber1' suggested and then its recorded to play on a DVD player. It could be in VCD format. Does it play using Microsoft Media Player or Real player?

Can you see the files on the CD when loloing at them in Windows Explorer, if so what file extension is it (.mpeg, .mov, .rm etc)?

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it is suposed to play on "quicktime". That's teh weird thing - there is no file etxn!
Double check that you have the latest version of Quicktime. It's probably worthwhile trying to get a 2nd copy from whoever did it for you (in case it is corrupted).

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CD? Disk problem

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