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The Christmas Present You Never Had

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hc4361 | 17:40 Sat 20th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
When you were a child did you yearn for something but never got it?

For me, it was a chopper bike. I so badly wanted one but it wasn't to be.


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Tony it's the only thing I've ever got from a car boot that was anything special and I must admit that I often spot my nephews giving it the eye,you can almost hear them wandering whose going to get it when I pop my clogs.
But you got a GSD eventually though didn't you, Psybbo.
There'll be no popping of clogs just yet, paddywak. You hang on to it.
Yes Tony, an unforgettable beautiful companion
Yes they were, Psybbo. I had a Winchester and a pair of Colt 45's ( Lone Star of course ).
She's talking about her GSD, Yont. Not a toy gun!
Ah, you mean your lovely GSD, Psybbo.
Alright Alright, sorry aint I Yily ;-)
paddywak......what a wonderfull story ! You had tremendous value for your £100, according to ebay. But you must promise me that you will fire it up once in a while ! That old Granddad will be turning in his grave if knew his precious Mamod was just sitting in a display case ! I'm not sure how old those nephews are but I am nearly 62, although still 10 years old at heart, and I'm sure everybody would be delighted if you were to give them a demo !

If lived closer, I would beat a path to your door !

Can you post a photo of it for all of us to see ?
A cowboy outfit. It wasn't considered appropriate for a girl ! Instead, I got boring nurse's outfits, dolls, piggy banks, little post office, little shop , never a gun or a Stetson. ! My cousin did though and I was VERY jealous. Now that I'm a grown up, of sorts, I wanted George Clooney. Well... that ain't never going to happen!. I stand more chance of getting a cowboy outfit ! ... and an OAP with a gun is a serious matter. Not advisable.

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The Christmas Present You Never Had

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