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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:40 Sat 25th Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
99 Answers
Saturday. It will be difficult for it to be wetter than yesterday, it didn't stop all day.

At the Visitor Centre at Saul today. I'll be taking snowy with me as her ma 'n da will be collecting her from there when they bring the boat back to the marina. They will be coming to dinner with me this evening.

It's getting light and I can see blue sky. Result! :o}

Tiggy was out for his supper and back to bed a bit sharpish at about ten last night.

Have a happy day everyone.


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gage ^^
fair do's Boaty xx

Morning Tambo :-) did they make you hopping mad? Quick question - my MIL's allotment greengages are really hard - do you have to wait until they're softer to pick?
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Morning tam xxx I love greengages. :o} But you don't need to torture yourself my lovely! ;o}
Yep Minty, all done and dusted and signed off - Lot of hassle, but the house looks great now - much neater. The plan now is to get the inside nicer (new carpets, a bit of sprucing up) during the winter as we've been nominated to host Minty-day dinner at ours this year :-)
Don't do too much today missus x
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I'll watch the post for my invite peas. ;o}
not long to Minty Day !!!

after new boiler is in and mess cleared I think I want to carpet away with wood floor..think that is a bit passé now..and a carpet is cosier for the winter..OH will have to learn the no shoes in house rule..or have a double amputation !!
Morning peas, tambo - however time to be moving so I will wish all a good one.....
Peas, just so they give a little. Boil with equal weight sugar & little water, to simmer till ready. I remove pips & put them in cotton purse before I start, easier than removing later.
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Same rule in this house minty.

Have a good'un DT.

I I must shove off now too. Have a happy day everyone. :o}
Boaty, you'd be more than welcome :-)

....but my cooking ain't great! lol

Sounds like a plan Minty - We had carpet in the lounge but took it up when we got the dog and put laminate (wood effect) down instead - It isn't really cosy, but is very easy to clean. (and no need to amputate OH's pins! ) :-)
Good morning wbmxxx and all rain here too most of day yesterday but nice at the moment . Cat went home yesterday the fuss he gave my daughter was unbelievable ,didn't want me anymore ungrateful moggy just because I would not let him outside lol.
Have a great day DT xx

Cheers Tambo :-)
She's got a tree full of then but never uses them, so I'll follow your advice and see what jammy concoctions we can rustle up - Thanks!
Morning Wendi xx

Have you still got your bird? I'll bet he/ she is happy that the cats gone though? ;-)
bye DT xx Boaty xx morning Wendi xx cats are so fickle...!
Yes Peas still got the birds but cat did not get through there as he would have had them for a snack and parrot would have gone mental if he had seen him .

Right Ho, I'm off to do mundane washing/ shopping etc, hope you have a great day at the visitor centre Boaty, and hope everyone has a Fab day whatever you are up to xx Bye for now
Peas, be quick as the birds are greedy & will beat you to it.
Yes MM X should love another cat but not fair on the birds as they get out of cages and it would be a constant worry .
byeee peas xx... time for me to fillet mackerel..oh joy ! see you all later xx

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