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Kindle Help Please

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Stephen_G | 12:35 Tue 18th Aug 2015 | Technology
5 Answers
I have three of Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London books on my Kindle, but I would like to sort them into the order that they were released

1. Rivers of London
2. Moon over Soho.
3. Whispers Under Ground.

Is there a way (or technique) I can use to sort them so that they appear like this? Can I do it through Windows, or will I have to put up with them in alphabetical order, and make a note of which book to read first?


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did you put them onto your kidle first to last? If so, order them by "most recent"
although thinking about it, that will then put them last to first
If you put the books into a collection, then go into the collection and tap on the middle symbol top right, you can rearrange the order they are in.
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If you put the books into a collection, then go into the collection and tap on the middle symbol top right, you can rearrange the order they are in

Tried that as well, woof. It only sorts them by Author, Most recent and Title (I should have said it's a mk. 1 Kindle). It's not too much of a problem, and I've added a note to my iPod Touch with all the series in the right order, so I'll refer to that when I get round to reading them - quite looking forward to them too!
have you put them from the library into a collection?

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Kindle Help Please

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