Not doing too well today ! 8ac US cake-making contests (8) B******S 9 South American palm-like tree (8) T****L*A 11 Proverbial reproach (7) N****** 13 In biology the response to stimulus of flowing...
Could someone please explain clue 28A "View from flats, perhaps". Answer is "scenery", but why? View is obvious, but Flats = musical, apartments, level land ???
Not a clue for you to reply to, but I would like to share my appreciation of this amusing crossword clue; it appears in today's Daily Telegraph obituary of Ruth Crisp, one of their compilers, who has...
People of my (older) generation will recall the name, and music, of Steve Race. His familiar tune, Nicola, was named for his daughter. My surfing has revealed he was born on April 1st 1921, but is he...
To say that I am struggling is an understatement. Can anyone assist please with Across: 10, 13, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 28 Down: 2, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 22. Many thanks
These are sponsored by Talk Talk Can someone please identify the actor whose voice says Talk Talk: the landline company from the Carphone Warehouse Let's do it together Just as we suspected etc
Today's Daily Telegraph carries an obituary of actor Henry McGee who died last week, and who will be remembered from the Benny Hill shows. I was once told that he was the father of Paul Daniels' magic...
If a purchaser pays the money into my paypal account, how do I get to receive the proceeds. I can't find where this is explained on the ebay or paypal site. Do ebay deduct their charges and credit the...
Further to invaluable help obtained from earlier answers to patsyann, whitehill, and sine, I still have these to solve1A Book that harbours inflated sense of pride is silly (4,3,4)***S *H* G*A*18A...
The z is on occasions silent in some proper names, eg Menzies = 'Ming-is', as was discussed here a fortnight ago.I recall a footballer in the 60s called Alan Gilzean, to whom the above did not...
1. Army chief initially on manoeuvres for NATO maybe (7)2. Change at Naples for Nice (8)3. Could be a more teasing sexual arrangement (6,1,5)4. Damned heliports made a mess of Canaan! (3,8,4)5. Dish...
Can anyone please assist with these1 In Normandy, what is a "Poir?"? A Cider made of pearsB Cake with pearsC Cheese2 Name the French name for haddock?A L'empereur B Le hareng C L'eglefin3 In Provence...
Can anyone please assist with these 1 In Normandy, what is a "Poir?"? A Cider made of pearsB Cake with pearsC Cheese 2 Name the French name for haddock? A L'empereur B Le hareng C L'eglefin 3 In...
Why do I always get the message The plug-in failed to initialize. What does this mean and how do correct it - in terms a novice can understand please - no technical jargon