For my homework ive got tomake a mind map on Shape Space and measure but i am not entirely sure what to put in this mind map could someone help please?
I downloaded some things off of Ares but i have some files what are taking up 4.40gb i want to get rid of them but i get an error! HELP! The files have the word "Arestra" Before the name of the file...
I downloaded some things off of Ares but i have some files what are taking up 4.40gb i want to get rid of them but i get an error! HELP! The files have the word "Arestra" Before the name of the file...
I now have another problem with my acer aspire 5610z laptop now the 4 way scroll buttons dont work and the volume buttons dont either also nor does scroll lock does anyone know why?
Here is another question i am so stupid i reinstalled vista by accident LOL it made windows.old and i wanna go back because i has all my file in it so how do i do it??
I wanna go back to ho it was before the installation it says it ceated a windows.old file so i wanna go back but i dont know how. Also i want to fix my volume but i dont know how.
I used an upgrade to vista installation disc but i wanna go back it says its created a file called windows.old i found but i dont know how to go back can someone help me?
On my laptop i have an installation disc but it requires a 25 letter product key and it says you can find it on the package or on your pc but where can i find it? My laptop is an Acer and its windows...
I recently asked about the first roller coaster ****** error Ive intalled a patch it still does not work ive found a few forums bu they dont say how to fix it. This is what the error says. Exception...
My rollercoaster ****** needs a patch uk!!!? I already tried the us version it did not work i am running it on windows vista home premium and every time i go to load rollercoaster ****** an error...
I heard a song on the radio but i don't know what its called could someone help me, I think i recall it saying "I'm in ecstasy 24/7" and then maybe "When your next to me i feel like I'm in heaven"....
Does a laptop need to be a certain type for wireless internet? i was thinking of getting this one but i dont know if you can use wireless with it.
On scarface (ps2) When i go o distribute keys from the garage as soon as i get in the car it says you f*cked up i did not die or anything why is it doing this?
I am stuck with some work ive got to find 2 exaples of radiation in my home but i dont really undertand the word and what it means? So does anyone know 2 forms of radiation in a home or any website...