I've just received this message from Netflix, "Your membership has been canceled because you did not agree to the price change. You can continue watching until June 24th, 2024." 'Cancelled... ...
I've been thinking I should cut back on the bread. Boiled eggs without toast would be like fish and chips without vinegar. What other way to cook eggs so they can be eaten without bread?
Too many migrants,high interest rates, and very poor polls for the Tories. Is This the real reason why Richi has called for a General election. When only a few days ago he was bragging that he... ...
'In the early 1970s Steve McQueen was the biggest action star in America. But on November 24, 1971, he was eclipsed by a man called Dan Cooper. At least, that’s the name he was going by. No one... ...
My daughter's indoor cat has very resistant fleas. She's treated the flat with Indorex, and used Frontline(yes, I know its rubbish). What is the current best treatment...either from vet or... ...
god what is wrong with AB - not many prime ministers have been shot this week, and no comment ( xc mine) - perhaps the mods have bludgeoned any news hound into silence, as it is obvious an unmimsy... ...
what an awful thing, again london descending into violence.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13409169/woman-mugged-Mornington-Crescent-station-attack.html ...
Just wondering how many of us use desktop pcs and whether they really have gone out of fashion. I have two, both over ten years old. I run W10 on one and dualboot W10 and Linux on the other. Both... ...
I can't ever recall the lights being visible in southern England but they seem to be appearing quite often now. Is it as a result if changes in our climate or something else - or am I just not... ...
Two butterflies dancing prettily together around the garden - a queen bee caught in a spider's web, duly rescued and sent on her merry way - and warm sunshine. Hurrah! What's telling you that... ...
I had a near miss when driving home last night, a youth in a speeding car overtook a car on a corner right in front of me and i had to flash my lights at him. Anyone else had one recently?.
25 years ago, I'd just be getting ready to go out. Very high heels were always part of the attire. I had some wicked shoes. Now I am curled up on the sofa in a comfy cardy and jeans wanting to go... ...
Labour's Sadiq Khan has conquered Whitehall by winning a third term as Mayor of London. Mr Khan won the contest with 1,088,000 votes Whilst his Opponent Susan Hall Con, only secured 813,000... ...
When did we adopt Nan instead of Gran? My partner is quite touchy about it, she prefers to be called Nan or Nanny instead of Gran or Granny, and if anyone calls her Gran she hates it, she said it... ...
Announced on the Beeb News 6pm tonight - who does she look alike - any candidates - or near-candidates? Ian Wright for openers? Over to you - the more scurrilous the... ...