they say that if you masturbate with your left hand it feels like someone else is doing it??? but my question is.................what if your left handed??? :?))
Watched this film recently until about 15 mins from the end and fell asleep - Apparently this film has one of the most famous unexpected twists in film history: can anybody enlighten me as to what it...
Ok, who was the idiot who forgot to change her bedroom clock back an hour and got up at 5am this morning instead of 6 when her alarm went off Urrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Ok, sorry, a question...what is your...
i think it would be wise if the sub sections had thier own sub sections? we could pop into motoring, then into the sub section for road rules (which i think in the currant climate is a very important...
I know a 23 y/o guy, who is very mature for his age, works hard and is very passionate about his work. To look at him you would automatically think he is at least 35. He plays in a brass band, his CD...
i have a 1.7diesel,vauxhall corsa.i had a leaky fuel tank,so i replaced it with a second hand one that doesnt leak,but now i cant get the car to start.i have put diesel in tank,car is turning over but...
Hi i used to be able to browse the section that interested me on AB in about a 15 mins, but now with all the drop down bits its just taken me an hour, i think. Its not because i have to load pages...
Due to the nature of my question, I'm sure you'll all understand that I will be using a little bit coding, however I do promise it won't be a come back tour of the Krypton factor!!! So, the story goes...