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aka estie

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Well we're an eighth of the way through the world cup and Dipster has taken an early lead with 19points!, in second place are Mighty WBA and Starrs with a host of others bunched up behind ready to...
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How many of you without lying or making it up or pretending u care or being twee or jumping on a bandwagon or taking the moral highground or getting all yuppiefied or trying to act the bleeding heart...
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I regularely de flea my 3 year old Boxer Jillian with Frontline.She is 45 days pregnant and I found fleas on her this morning!What can I do now immedeately to help her?
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Dan Glebitts
someone is trying to fill the whole screen with questions, and not different questions, just slight alterations to an original one...can you guess who it is?
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*Cat cartwheels through thread*YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I had my last exam this morning!! Thats me finished college till I start my next course in September!! I am sooo happy, I've never seen anything...
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I'm really annoyed because it doesn't matter how much I shave away at my armpit hair it still looks as though I've got hair there, a kinda 5 o clock shadow. How can I get rid of it?????
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I offered to take on my friends bunny when she moved until there was room at the rehoming centre. Trouble is..she's a really grumpy bunny, she growls and nips and I have to wrap her in a towel to lift...
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and puts an end to the suspense? see ed's post near end of here: she obviously has the inside info. Any guesses? (deesle? 123345?)
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aka estie
Just how many nearly-identical threads can someone post within an hour before the bots automatically ban them for spamming? I am of course referring to the nonsense in CB this evening.
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If anyone sees him, can they remind him that he now owe's me a fiver.. ;o) I think he is hiding. :o)
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Dan Glebitts
i get a terrible pain in my back...who cares?
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Now listen to me, what you are doing is very very silly, you are not new to the site obviously and you must have spent a WHOLE thirty seconds deciding on this prank, but it isn't a joke and never is a...
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down the hole?
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Dan Glebitts
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Hannah beeek
i feel ill with my back ache what isit
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Hannah beeek
are u trying to be funny i'm in pain with my back i dont no what to do
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Hannah beeek
i've got backache and headache what is it
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I havent got backache, meningitus, tonsilitus, appendicitus, lazyitus, or arthritus can I still be a hypchondriac?
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aka estie
A lowly biologist is in need of your help! I am making bacterial Minimal Basal Salts media, which calls for a solution of 0.4g SnCl X 2H2O in 100ml of DI water. I have attempted this solution twice,...
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What name is given to the fluid constituent of blood? Thanks

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