Last two which are stumping me: 25a. WI jams that place in show (3,4) T??/?i?e. I'm thinking TEA TIME, but I can't parse it. 22d. Instrument – a tenor – stuffed with dope (5) A???T although if TEA...
Stuck on my last two:
6a. Reports heard or herd in Africa? (4) -N--
8d. Disturbances at university interrupting Arab leaders in speech (5-3) --A-E/-P-
Can anyone put me out of my misery?...
8d. One to touch up small measure absolutely necessary (2,1,5) A-/A/-I-S- It looks as though it should be AT A PINCH, but this won't fit with 13a. Local authority accommodation (7,5) which I have as...
15d. Some countries will enter races with drivers available here (4,5) T---/S---D
22a. Yahoo is cutting edge? Contrarily juvenile (6) V-N---
Just can't get either of these. TIA....
7d. Kidney's eaten by children? A little (5) R---L
11a. Horse number? Haven't a clue! (5) D---O
Why am I always stuck on the easy ones?
Any help much appreciated....
Last one: 14a. Dirty colour (4) -L-E The only thing I can think of is BLUE, but I can't relate that to dirty. Am I just being stupid? Any help gratefully appreciated.
Really need to finish this, but I'm struggling today. 16d. TV broadcast with Sheila, to whom no man's a hero (3,5) -I-/--I-- (May be AIR something, but can't see it) 27a. The aristocracy's kindly in...
Getting tired and brain not working properly. 1a. Rail is in raillery! (8) ----S--- 10a. Lover of Dada framing black snake (5) ----A 18a. Nothing with emperor and American is difficult (7) ----OUS ?...
Last one!
13a. Being red in 16, it's surrounded by 25 (4)
I have -U-L
16d. TORO ROSSO - so there's the red ...
but I just can't see the connection.
Put me out of my misery, please....
Stuck on bottom LH corner today. Last three ... 17d. Bill's in excellent show (7) B-A-A-- 22d. Small trading centre set up ways of getting there? (5) T-A-- 26a. Watch Derek returning tennis shot (7)...
Stuck on two ... 1d. Despondent and not working - on strike (8) ------S- 2d. Old leader to travel with vicar, taking in composer (9) ------r-v I think this may be Balakirev, but I can't see the...
1a. Cook's type of art:originally cheeky and titillating (6) ----C-
2d. Convexity concealing 21 down room (7) ----B-R. [I have "HOTEL" for 21d.]
Any help appreciated....
8d. Controversial abridged Argentinian musical returned later than you intended reportedly (13) .......T..... I keep thing this may have EVITA forwards or backwards in it somewhere, but I'm probably...
Really struggling today... 11a. Support shown by demeanour is heartening (7) N...I.T 1a. Antisocial girl contracted a new cancer possibly around the heart (12) .......R...C The only thing I can come...
11a. Five unusual returns in order describing standard delivery? (7) O?????M 6d. One of twenty-four part-timers (5) T???A 7d. Only friendly mountain to claims, a pick-me-up (8) P???O?I? Think this May...