Think I must have some answers wrong because I can't make these fit: 36a Design (5) T-Y-- 51a Subject (5) L-M-- 30d Vote for again (2-5) R-/--E-L 52d Celestial body (5) --M-L Any help much...
Stuck on top left corner:
10a Sort of course about to be taken by new student (9) ----E-I-R
12a Hot air put across by father maliciously (7) --E-M-D
Any help appreciated. Thanks...
8a Gamekeeper holds back sword (4)
I have -P-O
22a American writer carrying Times around display (4)
I have E-P-
Any help appreciated – they're my last two....
14a Ambassador is in supreme command.
I have B-H-S-
Think it should be BEHEST, but I can't see how it fits the clue. (Brain is a bit fuzzy this morning)....
17d Houses in Benin with unpleasant people (9) I have DYNASTIES but I can't see the relevance of Benin. Any explanations please? Or maybe I just have the wrong answer Ah, have just realised that DY is...
17d Houses in Benin with unpleasant people (9) I have DYNASTIES but I can't see the relevance of Benin. Any explanations please? Or maybe I just have the wrong answer
My last two: 14d Pens Nordic god in place down under, briefly (7) I have -U---R- 21a Rejoice about return of relative, though not so dear (7) I have ---A-E- Need to finish so that I can concentrate on...
28a In full, the point of sinner's heart (5-5-4) I have N-R-H / -O-T- / E-S- It looks as though it should be NORTH SOUTH EAST, but I can't see how it fits the clue ? feeling rather dim this morning....
Last two ? 16a In the Orient, the living is impalpable (8) 8d Predict scramble to free liberal left (8) Any help appreciated ? then I can get on with my knitting.