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Charlie Bird is the Cheif News Correspondent for RTE News Ireland. From what career did he retire earlier this year after three and a half years?
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Charlie Bird is the Chief news correspondent for RTE (Ireland), from what career did he retire three and a half years ago?
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The book Noble Rot is about Bordeaux, particularly the long struggle of one man to cling on to a famous family property. Who?
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Which one of these is the odd one out Krypton, Californium, Trilithium, Palladium?
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What is the link between Armagh, Finvara and Edgeworth
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Who will win the Rooney Prize for literature this year?
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What champagne did Marilyn Monroe drink in the morning because it "warmed the body"?
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What surgical appliance is buried in WB Yeat's grave?
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A member of 633 Squadron, Reggie Perrin's secretary and the big, out of shape man whom Michael Caine dropped from a great height in Get Carter all later fetched up at what famous fictional location?

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