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We've just started trying for a baby and I've been told by my friend that swimming doesn't help. I've googled it and not found any evidence that it can hinder the chances, but does anyone know. Or...
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My partner and i have been on the Council Housing list for 4 years and we have now been offered a house which we are accepting. (In Scotland) It will be in both our names but i was wondering if it was...
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people come on here and say a friend of mine has done such and such why not tell the truth,its you who has done it and want to know what will happen to you,its a computer people dont know you,WELL MY...
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Would anyone be able to help me with this one? One of my friends has been cautioned for possession of marijuana, he had about 1/8th. This happened about 4 years ago when he was 18. What are the...
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Would anyone recommend Santorini as a honeymoon destination? Or any other Greek islands? Where have people stayed that they have been impressed with? Any help welcome! Thanks
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Hi, Can anyone tell me who the celebrity Tarzan was on Chris Moyles Radio One show yesterday? It had been going for a fair few weeks and someone guessed it yesterday but i missed it and now its...
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Can anyone tell me please if smoking is banned in public places in Cuba? And if so what constitutes a public place? Also can anyone tell me what Cuba is like weather-wise in late June early July? And...
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Has anyone been to Aruba? Its one of the places we are considering visiting next June/July and I'm hoping for some advice such as how expensive is it to eat & drink out. What are the beaches like? And...
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Could anyone suggest somewhere nice to go on a 2 week holiday in late June early July. We would like somewhere hot, preferably out of Europe but not essential. And a destination where we can both...
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We are hoping to get married next year and we're in the very early stages of planning. We don't want to spend a huge amount on the wedding .We definitely don't want a sit down meal we are thinking...
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Can anyone help? My hair is coloured and I think maybe last time it was done another type of dye or something was used as its soooo dry now. I've tried all manner of deep conditioning treatments, heat...
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i bought a nice big piece of strong extra mature cheddar cheese. when eating it, i find it was gritty in places. is this common for extra mature or should i take it back?
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I'm selling a car and the person purchasing it is paying cash apparently. Does anyone know if this is in anyway dodgy? Thanks in advance
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I have just found out this evening that my 11year old daughter was hearing a voice in her head. She told me that it lasted for six weeks or so and gradually stopped in November. She has told me that...
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I moved into a privately rented house sharing with someone I knew vaguely. All in all the experience was pretty dire but that is not really relevant. We signed a joint tenancy agreement and pay our...
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Where can I buy towels with 'locked loops' or whatever they're called - I'm fed up with the most common sort which look tatty very quickly because the loops 'pull' (especially if caught on bra hooks...
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I am the first to admit that I like body piercing and I have obtained a few over the years. But just recently my regular piercer was away on holiday and I wanted my ear lobes piercing (quite tame for...
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My male cat is just over a year old and I have never had any problems with him peeing or anything anywhere other than outside or in his litter tray. This weekend my boyfriend was staying and his...
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Just wondering what other people's opinions are on this type of thing. Also is it wise to move in with someone after say 6 months? Bearing in mind we have been friends for a number of years?

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