My crush this week is James Blunt. I'm sure he wrote his new song bout me...... Though I still have that schoolgirl obsession with Xzibit. What's yours?
Is anybody else sick of Heather Smalls cheesy song 'what have you done today to make yourself proud' which is mindlessly blasted out in a mock, half arsed attempt at being inspirational??? ie for...
Got a bit of time to myself and wondered if anyone fancied a chat, it can be about anything, as long as it's not too serious, had a heavy night last night!
Live8 till Late:Everyone Welcome: Fine Wine &Ales Available At The Bar: Barstaff/Poledancers Wanted!! Resident Bouncer(Mr Piper-Also runs a tourist infomation center)Boudoir upstairs(:)
Just name the one person you'd kill to get near at the moment. (Andy, I will grudgingly allow BB contestants if we must...) I'll start and I think I'd have to say Johnny Depp, although some of...
Starting to this I dreamt this program up! Does any one remember the new shamoo(sp?) it was a kind of white ghost thing. Sorry to be so vague any help appreciated {:~)
Is it possible to have two seperate policies for two seperate cars, both in my name, with neither affecting the other? I have a policy for my own car, with six years no claims on it. My partner, a new...
Just wondered what everyone is reading at the moment. I've just started 'Ressurection Men' by Ian Rankin. Haven't read a Rebus for a couple of years and had forgotten how good they are.
What's the latest time my 20-month old boy must sleep by? How many hours sleep must he have overnight at the least? I sit Ok for him to sleep at 10 if he wakes up about 7.30 -8 am?