i think the word play here is rather sparse and consequently several misleading possibilities crop up [no doubt deliberately] - a little more detail would've helped with 5ac especially! but i suppose...
Rapidly closing in on this having now got over two thirds of the grid filled, but not yet the thematic creation. I particularly liked 23D, but perhaps that's just me. A fun debut (I think). Many...
Thank you, Poat. Quite pretty, but not tough enough to keep me away from the garden for too long this fine weekend. I have to admit I had to rely on the phrase to get me started on the bottom...
i've struggled with this [pretty tough clues generally i found] - now i'm looking for the 8 letters and all i can see is an interesting 7 letter word. if i add the letter at the front it loosely gives...
Hello to all the EV N&C Wine Clubbers, I thought I would be in for a tough time this week. I don't like the jigsaw type of barred crosswords. I went through the clues and to my surprise solved...
Proving that they don't need to be too tough to be entertaining. Just enough of a workout to figure out where the spaces went, then a straightforward but pleasing end game. I got 22a early, but I have...
Back on the toughie track this week, for me anyway. I spent quite a bit of time convincing myself on several of the wordplays - I knew what the extra letter had to be but couldn't see where it was...
The run of difficult EV's came to an end with this offering from Salamanca. One of the quickest grid-fills I can recall, though probably helped by the theme being one of my favourite works. Enjoy your...
Our run of tough-but-fun EVs continues this week. Lots of well-concealed misprints. I was a bit leery of "not quite as rendered" but it all works out OK. I have to admit that I was so intent...
Greetings fellow Listenerites, This should be a week free of controversy, I think. A nice solid puzzle, with the three different types of clues keeping things interesting. The two thematic grid...
Hello EV N&C Wine Clubbers, This took me longer than normal. How the 7 cells from 14 clashing answers were to be treated hit me with a glimmer rather than a blinding flash. How elegant that the...
Evening all. Once again I find myself staring at a completed grid and a completed instruction, the former quite straightforward, the latter requiring a leap of imagination that so far eludes me. All...
What a fun puzzle. The final step of turning the interim product into the final product made me laugh. Lots of thematic material and some well concealed misprints - bravo and huzzah!
Wow. Absolutely brilliant. I tried to rotate the rings mentally, but got out the scissors after a few minutes. Then half my letters were upside down, so I printed out a new grid and re-filled it. An...
Very nice puzzle this week - some hard clues and a lot of thematic material crammed into this one. Lots of cold solving for starters, given that more than half the answers are altered in some way....
Elementary, indeed. An easily guessed theme as far as resolving the ambiguities is concerned, leading to a very quick grid fill. The most interesting thing about it was checking the statements against...