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Hello Everyone, Well Loda cerainly didn't cause any grief this week. I had absolutely no knowledge of the "record" concerned. However the performer, who I had heard of, appeared quite...
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Having seen the setter(s) I thought that this would be a real problem. Surprisingly, despite some tricky clues, it all fell into place quite quickly. I notice that these days they omit the instruction...
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A relatively easy offering this week by Kruger. Athough I have completed the grid, I still cannot work out the original answers to 20ac and 38ac.
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Having seen that this has a Playcode code, I was intending to put it to one side. Having failed at that, I now find myself within an ace of finishing. Much easier than I expected, but I realise that...
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Greetings N & Cers. I have a completed grid together with the hint to the thematic words from the surplus letters, but not those words themselves. Despite not having the thematic words, I have the...
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dr b
A pretty straightforward solve this week, as 6 or 8 cold solves revealed the likely method of entry. But, a well constructed puzzle, and a nice break after last week's brainbuster. Thank you Waterloo,...
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Despite only solving 2 of Shackleton's puzzles before (the Jackson Pollock puzzle and the Morse code/Beethoven prize winning puzzle of last year), I have been eagerly awaiting the next. This does not...
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dr b
For the second week running I found the EV tougher than the Listener! Having the extra letters in the wordplay rather than the clue makes them harder to spot. I got the quote about 2/3 of the way...
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Not so much a Listener Crossword, more a plea for sanity. A neatly put together grid with an eye less to the difficulty of solving than to the transparency of the message. Nothing too difficult here -...
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Is 12 across blessed with the correct clue? I've seen the same clue (31 across in this case) leading to a different answer on occasions, but I can only work out one single word answer which doesn't...
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dr b
Oh no, it's Mr. O! Greetings you Brits, Swiss (honorary) and any Croatians who may be lurking. A difficult EV, I thought, that would not be out of place as a Listener. Many obscure words for answers;...
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dr b
Can this be the first post on this puzzle? I thought it was very well done; the theme dawned on me very late in the game - I suspect those who caught it early on had an easier time of finding the...
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Grid fill is proceding quite quickly and smoothly, especially when compared to last week. However, I know that this will rapidly slow down as I know nothing about either the two adversaries or the...
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Hello EVers, I didn't hand around solving this weeks offering, even resolving the clashes didn't keep me in suspense! I'll be absent for the next two weeks, off on holiday, so please accept my...
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Not even close yet: I have almost all the "outside" clues and most of the ones that start on the outside, but tracking them through the knight moves is pretty desperate at the moment. I'm...
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I spent a long time staring at a grid with the source filled in and a knowledge of the letters that had slipped before I started cracking the clues. Having basically solved it in the reverse order I...
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Hello all EV'rs. A very clever offering this week that all fell into place particularly rapid for a change!
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I looked down the list of letters thinking: no clue lengths, no clue numbers, no idea which is across or even, 26 numbers to choose from. Aargh! Luckily, once it gets going, things speed up and to a...
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Hi all EVers. A straight forward puzzle more like a Spectator crossword than an EV. This was probably just as well as my head couldn't had coped with anything too difficult following the wonderful...
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Hello EV N&C Wine Clubbers, Well this week was a perfect example of how you should really read the rubric to ensure you enter the answers appropriately! I didn't and suffered badly with 2 of our...

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