I have always been mystified how someone as gorgeous as Katie Melua can sing such vacuous dross as 'Nine Million Bicylces' and then .... I catch up with 'Secret Diary Of A Call Girl' and in the final...
but hey, I am interested. Did anyone see / does anyone know the lady who sat just behind Simon when Holly was interviewing him on X-tra Factor on Saturday. She was in shot just over his shoulder and...
Apparently JR's show has been cancelled this week - is he ill? Has something happened? Never mind, I can always listen to Russell Brand tomorrow instead.
Just what is the appeal of Sir Tev supposed to be? They wheeled him out for the telly awards last night and he stood there as wooden as if he had been carved out of a totem pole, and soundling like a...
I have had the same problem as a lot of other people - lack of installation - but with a different problem. When I install off the yellow shield, my Internet Exploerer won't open - it goes straight to...
Since songs like X Factor and similar attract such huge viewing figues, it is time to look at what we actually appreciate and applaud. For example - opera is not my thing. I can't tell a good / bad /...
Just listened to 'Jesus To A Child' and had a little cry, as i always do when I hear it, and think about it. I would be deeply happy if someone loved me that much, and had the towering talent to write...
Myself and the present Mrs Hughes are going to be in the audience on 'Question Time' tonight - not sure if we will be called on to ask our questions, I'll let you know tomorrow. For those who don;t...
Billie Piper Tess Daley Cheryl Cole Claudia Winkleman Alison King Samantha Janus Maggie O'Neil are ALL on TV! I may have to have several lie-downs ....
Dennis Franz has just re-appeared ih 'Hill Street Blues' so I get to see my favourite TV actor for a few months. Can they re-run 'NYPD Blue ' from start to finish, and make my life complete?
So sad, and no age - sixty-five. Selfishly, that means I really have seen the last Floyd show. All condolences to his family, including Guy Pratt his son-in-law and Floyd live bassist, whom I...
... but hardly anyone seems to have heard of them! So when I jump up and down with excitement and say I am talking to X or Y, no-one seems bothered, or understands. So, as a sharing exercixe, I would...
Saw the final episode last night on Sky 3 - pining already as this has become an established part of my Sunday night routine - bath, cuppa and buscuits, lust-fest with 'Mike High', and bed. Hope they...
What do you think is the most exciting moment of any record you know? <br /> <br /> Not the whole song, just one moment when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you feel your...
is the new snappy soundbite phrase used to frighten us all with taes of woe and loss, can anyone think of the next one? I mean, 'carbon footprint' is a bit old hat now - how about having a 'hot air...
Did anyone else watching Duffy perform on Channel 4 yesterday notice that, not only does she have a stuning 'live' vocal, she also has a stunning pair of legs to go with it!