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i have been mates with mark and dave since we were kids. dave was living with a girl and they had a baby together. unfortunately they split up when the baby was nine months old. she has been really...
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lil nic
how does a bird keep it self warm?
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lil nic
how do surfers keep warm
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lil nic
how do seals keep warm
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This might be a long one but thanks for reading. I desperately need some advice before it breaks my marriage up.I got together with my wife 12 years ago and she had two daughters aged 3 and 4. I took...
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According to his mum they are getting married in April. What a fab 'ending' to her courage and his unfailing care and love.It truly is a love story - courage over adversity. Cynics need not respond to...
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Hi, im a 14-year old boy. I have been told by lots of people how funny i am. and a lot of my friends have said to me that i should seriously think about stand-up. I watch alot on the tv and have...
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<P align=justify>Hi! Does anyone know where I can get hold of a poster of the lift scene in Dirty Dancing. The scene I am thinking of is when they are practising the dance move in the water and...
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Marky B
Has anyone ever noticed when a tv news reporters is doing an outside broadcast,whether it is raining,snowing,or even in the blistering heat,they never wear a hat or any other headgear? Watching...
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I didn't think Cocaine was a problem in this country until the 80's, but seeing as this series has been accurate so far..... How widespread was it?
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does anyone think the tabloids go to far? im all for knowing about what is going on in the world but when the papers start ripping into peoples private lives because they think it is in our intrest it...
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I have had a sore throat for over 48 hours and now have discovered a lump in my neck (under the jaw to the side). Any ideas as I hate antibiotics but feel rubbish! Don't think it's tonsilitis as have...
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Have you noticed that the greatest Plaudits go to jobs anyone can do? Any fool can act,just look at some of the fools that do. Ditto cooking,swanning around with a crown on your head, singing pop...
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Not quite sure if I'm in the right section here, but can anyone tell me why - when answering a question - some user names are in black & others in green? As you will gather, I'm fairly new to AB...
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If a food has been on the floor for more than five seconds then you should not pick it up and put it in your mouth. How did this 'rule' come about, how true is this and is there anyone out there who...
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I live in a shared house (3 of us) and a couple of months ago one of the girls moved out so we had to find a new housemate. She moved in about 3 weeks ago and she said she'd had cats all her life etc...
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Ive never heard of anyone having a limb chopped off by a biro, nor have I (or anyone I know) ever heard of anyone being beheaded by a fountain pen so............ how on earth can the pen be mightier...
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Rings, Flies, Dance?
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Prior to the cartoons being published, I had never really given much thought to Muslims: Yes, of course I knew about them in much the same way as I know about Judaism, Catholicism etc... Religion does...
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aka estie
Broken up or not? I just read the AB ed's blog and am a bit confused.

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