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Sorry folks who go for film & Tv. I still fall asleep during programmes. I always thought the older you get the less sleep you need. I am getting older and sleeping more. Is this usual. Or is it...
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whats the problem with fish??? just looked on the as suggestion board and cant figure it out
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Hi, While out walking the dog this morning, on the old pony farm,Ray road, West Molesey, I saw a large bird flying towards me,it was not a swan, and not a canada goose..It was a goose of some
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I promise this is not a joke posting, but you know when you're walking outside and you feel a drip and nothing more comes of it (i.e. it doesn't start to rain) does anyone wonder if a bird has...
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my dogs drink the streamwater when we go a-walkin' Now, given that different streams will pose different enviro issues, who else lets their poor parched pooch sup the suspect slosh of a steady...
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Will you come and live with me and be my permanent garden adviser please!! I have started on my bulbs and groundcover project.  It is going to cost a fortune!!!  I have an abudance of wild...
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My Lemon Tree was grown from a pip and is 22 years old. I put it outside in the summer and bring it during winter time. It has never flowered or had any fruit on it to date. Is there any hope for it?
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I have recently moved into a house which has a pond in the garden, it has some fish in it, not sure what type! The pond is quite merky and you can only see the fish when they come up to feed. How do I...
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Just sitting here tonight when i had a quick shooting pain through my testicles. So i had a grope around and found what feels like a lump....but not a hard lump but more of a fleshy lump. There's...
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Are they any good, do they emit a decent amount of light?
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Louie Evason
is a sponge a plant or animal
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I havent got a pond in my garden and my neighbours dont eiher, so why I am suddenly getting frogs in my garden. I have seen about half a dozen in the last 3 or so weeks and tonight there was one...
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Barbara Cock
20 year old overgrown pampas needs cutting back. Unfortunately it's right by the road so burning is out of the question. Do I try hacking back from the outer base and when is the best time?
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Following on from a question re above - I have also got a bottle brush but my problem is that it will not flower! Any solutions please?
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I have a Bottlebrush plant in a container in my garden in it's first year. Does anybody know if I need to cut it back or prune it ? If so, when. The Latin name is CALLISTEMON RIGIDUS. Thanks in...
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I am under the impression that DLL (crane flies) only live a short time over the summer and then they die. How then if the population dies every year, do they keep coming back year after year? do some...
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Hi, I have just bought a little goldfish for my cold water 'biorb' aquarium set up....I followed all the instructions about settling the goldfish into his new home....But it is all I can do just...
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I really fancy taking up a countryside sport but can't decide which one, so am looking for ideas. Unfortunately, hunting is banned so that's out. Grouse shooting appeals, but is very expensive I've...
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What place does boxing have in a civilized society?

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