Two left & would appreciate some help, please. 24dn Race may be arranged in heats, OK? (3,4) T?E ?A?S 26dn Headband that gets rude gesture, cocked briefly on duchesses head (5) S?O?D Is it snood?...
This has been a stinker & I have 3 left. 8dn Bear up, if not in such great form (4,5) U?S? M?N?R 38ac Instructions on which one takes a gamble (4) S?E? 46dn One readily submitting overambitious...
Two to go & would welcome some help please.
25ac Inexpressively play from end to end of mass (5) T?R?M Thrum? 23ac One-time king of sport administrators (4) ?F?A Ofra?...
To complete the puzzle I've put Sicilian for 3dn. Figures from Rome are stopping crime of Mafia origin (8) S?C?L?A? I'd be really grateful if someone could explain to me how this solution is arrived...
The woman and her dectective sergeant holding power over criminal staff employed in field work (9,5) S?K?H?R?S ?R?O? No idea & would be grateful for help please.
My last 1 is 5dn & could do with some help please. Light vehicle in India and part of Polynesia (5) T?N?A Looks like tonga but can't get the connection with India.
Struggling to finish this. Should be most grateful for help with the following please: 25dn Old Breton gives manic roar when agitated (9) A???R?C?N Looks like anagram of manic roar? Is 53ac imagine...
3 left & would appreciate some help please. 26dn Original number of countries reduced (5) U?C?T uncut? 54ac Sibyl? Right! Spot on! (4) SE?R 60ac Form a queue, maybe? (5) P?A?T
Stuck with 3 to finish. 48ac Able head of school tired out (7) S?I?L?? Looks like skilled. 49dn Familiar name linked to protest (5) ??M?N I think, because not sure about 52ac Drug treatment for camels...
I wonder if anyone can help me with my last two, please? 40dn Get on in place where Equus is likely to be performed (9) S?A?E?B?E Is there such a word as stageable? 31dn Rogue in team (5) C?D?E...