52ac God set against god in river (11) ??A?M?P?T?A 41dn It claims environmental friendliness - but bacterium almost killed the man (3-4) Last two. Be most grateful for help please.
Last one is 20dn and would appreciate some reassurance. Old Father Time volunteers for light work (8) O?E?E?T? Reckon it's operetta. op = work ta = volunteers. Operetta is a light work. But where does...
Stuck with two left. 24ac Ancient region wrongly given insubstantial backing (7) I???R?A 20dn Plan to give assistance to old woman - pennies (6,3) R???E? M?P Please can anyone help?
Should be grateful if someone would help me decide on the answer to my last clue please. 37dn Rugby club ultimately wanting someone to represent the country? (6) R?S?I? Reckon its rustic but it could...
Apologies if this question has been posted before but my computer died over Christmas so have had no access to the internet. 10 dn Pig is said to fraternise with a snake (7) H?G?O?E
Last two. 9ac Tremendous affair, less then restrained (10) T?U?D?R??? thundering? and 7dn Cooler airman up north (3) C?? can? Should be very grateful for some explanations.
6d is my last one. Editing a work on origin of Dada movement. (9) R?D?C?I?N Reduction or redaction? Inclined to go for redaction as editing is not necessarily reducing. Wonder what others think?
I'd be grateful to know if others agree with my last three, please. 28dn Critical evaluation of judges before big match (5,4) bench test? 42ac Inspirational poem tp perform with skill in man's...