Two left & stumped. 2dn Answer needed as puzzle's not completed on time (5) R?B?T 41dn No private money given to Panama, say (5,3) ?R?S? Hat Dress Hat? But why?
12ac When to knock off, roughly speaking?(8) I've put ESTIMATE which fits with 6dn Sentimentality fails to produce nice things (7)G?O?I?S GOODIES But why is 12ac estimate? Assassinate makes more...
Two left. 6dn How we can persuade ourselves to agree with the car salesman? (14) ??T?S?G?E?T?O? 3ac Warned off following willing reserve worker (4,6) ?A?E ???D?N Can anyone help please?
Two left & would appreciate some help please. 16ac The little bears, for example, shifting ring doughnuts. (4) ?O?I Can't be yogi can it? If so, why? 2dn Headgear in question worn by piggy going to...
Stuck with last two. 18ac Brief thrill about a conspiracy of silence (6) O?E?T? and 25dn In city old chap goes over budget (9) E?O?O?I?e Looks like economise or economize but can't decide which. Would...
19a Natty dresser suppresses anger about headgear (6,3) ?O?A?E C?P I can only think of forage cap but can't fathom the natty dresser bit. Hope someone can put me out of my misery, please.
Be very grateful if anyone can confirm my last 2 answers please. 51ac Marx to stick to his first love. (5) G???O Guido? 48dn (interlinking) Father grabs bird showing bit of leg. (5) F???R Flier?
My last one. 48dn Part of flag French statesman drops in lake. (5) P?T?L Petal? Obviously part of an iris plant but can't work out the French statesman bit. An answer & explanation would be gratefully...
My last one is 35 ac. Author's book: "Rugby's retired Rowdies" (9) B?R?O?G?S Got ushering for 19dn. You, me & third person group together working as escorts (8) ?S?E?I??
Last one or possibly two. 56ac Flatfish had returned to Greek island (5) D?K?S Dokos? I have stick spike for 37dn. Not budging to the point of supporting archaic punitive instrument (5-5) ?T C? S?I???
25dn Oscar followers nonsense on opening of awards(4) ?A?A GAGA, PAPA? This is my last one & I'd be grateful, please, if someone would explain the answer.