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and why?. mine is 1024, the number of bytes in a kilobyte, because i like computer logic. [shouldn't this be History and Maths? :-)].
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What would you be and why? e.g. a book because you get held, give pleasure and are easy to pick up :-)
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Do you like, or dislike, if a person on the street takes your photo? What if it's 'only' a CCTV and it may or may not have zoom or a human monitoring it [you wouldn't know]? Or do you love it all? or...
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I Put a 2nd hard drive in my pc, it insists on calling it 'D:' - How can is tell it to accept 'E:' so i can keep 'D:' for my cdrom?
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As a single user, can i delete from 'Documents and Settings' folder, any of the following; 'All users', 'Guest', 'Administrator', 'Owner', 'Default user'(hidden), - these accounts seem to be...
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what non-proprietary treatment for relief of itching from gnat bites? witch hazel maybe?
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What's an it girl? Is there an it man? [do you remember the 'It's' man?]
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What is the difference. between Outlook Express 6 and Outlook?
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Radio 2. Is it Wendy Richard?
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This hot weather; a bloke can just take his shirt off, easy simple, no offence [much], free and cooler, but the women have to keep covered; Blokes; we all know your view on it, but ladies, would you...
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Both of these words suggest skill, cunning and deceit. Does this mean then, that all art and craft is a skilful deceit, a con, trick or device?
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Are there any categories you don't bother with? Like i never go to Adverts NEW anymore..
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Too frightening. Or just too ridiculous? Why can we barely even mention this member's real name? What's the big issue? Why must he stay hidden? His name? - let's call him Dick, aka John Thomas, Percy...
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just wondering how others' do it; Do you have many icons or few on your desktop? - i have many, about 60. Do you think an almost empty desktop looks pooey, or cool?
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Or from Home? Which is the more popular option?
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I've been down Every Street in Leicester. It's near Memory Lane. What unusual streetnames have you noticed?
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and double your chances of winning. How many of you support this erratic belief. You don't Really believe that do you? Am i then a fool for only buying one? or a bigger fool if i don't buy any? 1...
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did you completely fall in love with?
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What am i doing? [not making a cake].
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Something to do with getting married?

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