Do you like, or dislike, if a person on the street takes your photo? What if it's 'only' a CCTV and it may or may not have zoom or a human monitoring it [you wouldn't know]? Or do you love it all? or...
As a single user, can i delete from 'Documents and Settings' folder, any of the following; 'All users', 'Guest', 'Administrator', 'Owner', 'Default user'(hidden), - these accounts seem to be...
This hot weather; a bloke can just take his shirt off, easy simple, no offence [much], free and cooler, but the women have to keep covered; Blokes; we all know your view on it, but ladies, would you...
Too frightening. Or just too ridiculous? Why can we barely even mention this member's real name? What's the big issue? Why must he stay hidden? His name? - let's call him Dick, aka John Thomas, Percy...
just wondering how others' do it; Do you have many icons or few on your desktop? - i have many, about 60. Do you think an almost empty desktop looks pooey, or cool?
and double your chances of winning. How many of you support this erratic belief. You don't Really believe that do you? Am i then a fool for only buying one? or a bigger fool if i don't buy any? 1...