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What does Germany mean? why don't we call it Deutschland as they do? Same goes for Allemagne. Why is Wales called Wales - wasn't it originally called Cambria? How did they derive Scotland from...
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My new washing machine seems to make all of my shirts very very staticly charged. Does anyone know what causes this, whether it be the machine or the powder. I don't tumble dry my clothes, they all go...
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Can you exchange silver or gold ingots for money in the UK at the current values ? For example in the same way that you'd change two ?1 coins for a ?2 coin at the bank. If so, where ?
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Does anyone know a quicker way to chop bits out of a video file than Movie Maker 2? I am editing some clips I have, and when I go to save them again, it's going to take 90 minutes! (The clip is about...
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My Moviemaker 2 has reverted to 1. - I re downloaded it to reinstall but it just re apppears as mm1. Is there a fix? anyone else got this probby?
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Radio 2. Is it Wendy Richard?
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I am trying to identifie a house plant I was given, it is non flowering, has round plain green leavesabout 2' wide, which are quite sturdy with a white spot where the leaf stalk joins about 1/2' in....
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Not that long ago you were able to buy cheap food( good quality pies,puddings,pasta dishes etc ) from the market which was ex'supermarket'-the best kind of course. Now those stalls seem to have...
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Is there any way that I can 'tag' a question posted by someone else so that I can receive e-mails when it's updated? I just don't want to have to search for the questions once they drop off the bottom...
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what is the difference between cd-r and cd-rw?!
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The Rutt
Is there a program that can tell me how long a computer has been switched on for, or even better how long it has been logged on to a network without having logged off?
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Is it true that Budweiser's annoying 'whassup' catchphrase came from a part of a Bob Dylan track? If so, which track is it from?
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Where does the idea that the moon is made of (green) cheese originate?
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I read somewhere the reason why the faces of most church clocks are pale blue, but I cannot remember the reason or where I read it. Can anybody help?
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norman dyson
I can look at these folders on the website and can download them to my documents,but then cannot open them as my computer does not recognise them and then asks me whether to seach the web.It finds the...
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creedence clearwater revival?
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nona suomy
I've only ever seen maps of the world with the UK in the middle and therefore the US is in the West and Asia in the East. Why is this and are maps the same all over the world. Are there any with other...
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What is a group of squirrels called?
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A friend spoke with a 'spiritual counsellor' who told her she should find out about ' electronic writing'. Has anybody any idea what this is or where she can find out about it?Thanks.
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One of my hard drives sometimes makes a clicking noise and acts quite slow, how can I repair this because I got a lot stored on the the drive and haven't got any way of back-up as of yet?

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