I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
Can anybody give me a layperson's version of what happens when you press a light switch and the bulb lights up? And I mean a simplistic chain of events walk-through that even I could understand !
Me, me, me. Politeness only costs a moment of your time. A plethora of nonresponders lately, bernardo, birchy et al. What is it, knock down ginger? I even got a fictitious email address from one and...
Who believes that bbc et all give real news that is to say not censored or played with. For example, the latest war shows the west as right in going to war and the news reflects this but is it...
thank you for all your earlier answers I now have all the info . the box saying system shutting down comes up with the words This shutdown was initiated by NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM windows must now restart...
The 'don't mix the grape and the grain' thing is well old-wived... but is there a scientific explanation that proves that alcoholic drinks of different origin cause accelerated squiffyness?
Is there a limit on how many consecutive words may be 'copied' before infringement of copyright kicks in? Or are these kind of things contested and defended on an individual basis, without precedent?
What happened to Berni Inns? And in an attempt to dissuade funsters from making an allusion to Berni Inns being a person, and suggesting that 'He was the best opening batsman Yorkshire ever had' etc....
I had my bikini line waxed about three weeks ago and although I have been really pleased with the results it was exceedingly painful. I'm having it done again next week, does anybody know if I can...