This case bears more than a slight resemblance to Shipman. Just how did this Surgeon perform so many unnecessary operations on people, without...
Corbyn suddenly announces he's attending BBC election debate in Cambridge tonight, along with other party leaders. Great move by him. It will make May look seriously bad.
Corbyn launched free child care initiative this morning. Grilled on radio he didn't know how much it would cost (despite a manifesto in front of him, a phone call and a fiddle on his ipad.
We have had this debate many times here on AB and there are still people that believe Assad when he says that he didn't and doesn't bomb civilian targets like Hospitals. But here, we have a Welsh... It is stated that there were 207 women, 22 of them pregnant, and more than 140 children, that means...
Just been watching the dreadful Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. Like a previous HM Theresa May, she is completely out of her comfort zone. Internment is not an option she says. Internment was certainly an... Corbyn thinks drinking tea is the answer and Abbott wants to talk to their mums. These are the same mums that...
What on earth are they thinking with this.
And could JC's giveaways backfire on him if he is called on by the people to deliver? May has taken the electorate for fools, in her pursuit of labour stronghold seats she has forsaken the fringe...
UKIP's work is mostly done, we just need you so stop these treacherous popinjays from welching on the Referendum vote....
How much more common will this be in Britain in years to come?...