I have got Sky television, but it annoys me that only the BBC and ITV channels have subtitles. For example, on Watch channel and the film channels, the subtitles don't work. There are too many films...
I think from memory it was about g/f and b/f, and i think recently married go to a house in an area where he originally came from when he was younger...odd things happen. They go down to local cafe...
Every time I download a picture from the internet, I'd like it to be my decision as to where it goes. In fact, I'd like ALL pictures to go to ONE SINGLE LOCATION I've just downloaded a picture that...
I am trying to connect my Tablet to my home PC Wi-Fi but every time I enter the Modem No. a small padlock icon appears on the Tablet screen preventing me from accessing the Internet... any tips etc....
Enter a formula that uses an IF function and structured references to determine customer discount eligibility. (Hint: You will need to use the OR function in this formula.) a. A customer is eligible...
Hello! I searched the title of a song from a dance compilation 90s. I think it was written on the tape Dance 93 but I am not sure... The song was sung by a girl group and contained sax or trumpet in...
Hi, we have recently had a brand new Sky+ HD box installed, and I am surprised that I can hear it, even when we are not actually watching anything, it makes a whirring noise, ( so mechanical, not an...
I am a complete technophobe and have just enough knowledge of computers to be able to use one in only the simplest way. My computer at work has two speakers, one of which is plugged into the...
When people want to know something theses days, they usually go to the above, but who puts this stuff on, as every subject on earth seems to be covered? There must be billions of how to do this, what...
I have a spreadsheet in Excel and am trying to count the number of issues per dept. that have gone past due.
What is the best formula to use ?
Depts are in column G and dates in column L
I've just bought a second hand htc one m7 and for some reason even though the mobile data connection is switched to on it still says data disconnected. I've tried resetting and factory resetting but...
Has anyone seen Wild Tales? an excellent film, if you have does anyone know what the dance track is at the beginning of the wedding film?
Long shot but you never know...
I want to record a programme on Friday evenings but it clashes with 2 other progs that I am recording. So I have found it being repeated on Mondays so I have clicked on that and chose series link. The...
Saw a dance track on MTV a few years ago, it had a video where a man was dancing to a ghetto blaster on the sidewalk and the people watching were debating why it was he was dancing, suggesting it was...