how long do you have to notify DVLA of change of address or ownership of a vehicle? what if u forget to notify them what can happen? if you have a parking ticket and you did not know about it because...
what should you do if you continuously get letters addressed to previous owners of the property you live in if you don't have a forwarding address? should you bin them or open them?
My computer has 512mb of ram, and a 120gb hard drive. Th hard drive is not even one third full and yet I keep getting a message in the taskbar saying that the virtual memory is too low, so lots of...
Is it the law to wear seat-belts on coaches on journeys in the UK? My partner was recently involved in a serious coach crash with fatalities. Although seat-belts were fitted, almost certain no "Wear...
I'm showing my age now, but I used to love watching Billy Bunter of Greyfriars on TV. We have digital radio & I was listening to it the other day on the One Word story channel. What happened to the...
Why is it that on the toothpaste adverts, the people always have sparkling teeth, yet when i use the toothpaste, my teeth remain slightly yellowy and not sparkling white? Obviously the people's teeth...
Did i miss something, where did the adverts section go? I really liked it... was it not good for you?
If it went for a good reason, can someone clue me in, if not BRING IT BACK!!!