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What did Inventors go back to before the drawing board was invented?
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Does fat add flavor to meat?
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Everyone says im to skinny, but i catn do anything about it, i eat more than all my friends, is there anyway to gain a little fat!
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I know someone who is convinced that if you're slightly over the limit and pop a couple of Rennies, it will show up OK on breathalyser. Is this an urban myth, or is there a smidgeon of truth in it. I...
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Does any one know some good exersise rourines that dont require anr equipment except small waights.
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what s the english word for "bastos" in pilipino?
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I suppose its kinda literature whats a taxidermy?
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how long do tortoises live for?
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Top Cat
Outlook Express 6 I have received an important e-mail with attachment and OE6 states that it has removed access to the "following unsafe attachment" which is only the confirmation of an on-line...
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What's better motorbikes or trains?
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what was written on the back of the gold medals at athens 2004 olympics
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Can someone please explain what a freemason is & what they do etc. is it a bit weird or just a club?
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Oor Wullie
Does the father of the bride make a speech at the wedding? My daughter gets married next year and the thought of giving a speech terrifies me. I mean really scares me.
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What literature should do is change the people who teach the people who don?t read the books?
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is it possible to trace online where someone works ..abroad too?
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Where does the money for paid parking tickets go towards in Houston?
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How long does alcohol show in your blood-ie in tests and breathalisers.Just curiousity!!!
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if your lonely and single please call 07979747066
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Which comic book hero was born in Manchester in 1967?
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Are there any websites where you can actually meet females for fun and not have to pay an arm and leg?

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