For 25d I have zeitgeist. But I wonder if they mean to spell it with an "s". But even then I can find the word. Have tried putting it in my spell finder and the one on the net....but have drawn a...
Which family of plants includes a species called Goldilocks. I think I have found two families, there is a Goldilock buttercup and a Goldilock aster, any ideas which one they want? Thanks
Those on the bench injure posh queen manque and possible queen (10)?The cryptic part of the clue eludes me. Judicata-tory, -ture, -tors all fit the definition.
I am trying to find the name of a large evergreen shrub which grows on Mediterranean islands with small glossy leaves and pink/purple berries. The Greeks call it skinnia (sounds like). It is not...
my husband and i do the mail on sunday you magazine sunday express and the chat magazine years ago we won a few compotitions but have only ever won a crossword once it was a hundred pound travel...
Have you read the book "Pretty Girl in Crimson Rose (8)" by Sandy Balfour? He agrees with you about surface clueing. Highly recommended especially if you are a Guardian cruciverbalist!