This question was posed on an advert for teaching and when I heard it, the question stayed in the fore front of my mind as I was unable to answer it. So during our life time do we have a path that we...
I've just listened to Thom Yorke's new album and it's a tuneless, impenetrable mishmash of noises. Radiohead were great, fantastic even. The Bends is still one of my most favourite albums. But after...
Whats the quickest way I can lose weight around my waist and tummy? i eat well but don't do any excercise, admittedly through laziness as I'm so tired after work. I've just bought a trampette, but...
After just having a fire drill at work and thinking about it carefully, there is nothing better for me than seeing a guy in a firemans uniform!! It's like phwoar!!!! What uniform makes you guys go...
Anybody getting (or had) an error when using the Search in AB just now? The error is "Error 2 GetPollByCategoryUserId". I've even gone into my profile first to make that my userid is ok. Probably have...
At a local produce market recently I bought a pot of Blueberry Jam (the only ingredients are blueberries and sugar). When I got it home I settled down with a tray to enjoy the jam with some...
I love minidiscs, they're my preferred recording/listening medium but realise that they are on the verge of becoming obsolete. I always used to stock up on blank ones at my local HMV but last weekend...
Talking of Kym(think she spells it like this) what do people think of her in Corrie? I really like her and think she is going to be a great character. Sassy ,but not as mean as Tracey with a bit more...
In the original 60s TV series, which episode was it where the baddies turned some of the Enterprise crew into little grey cubes? I remember they sadistically killed one of those microskirted women by...
I've checked some through some old answers but most seem to point towards everyones favourite film but if you had to name your top ten films what would they be, to start the ball rolling mine are, in...
I thought it clearly showed Charlotte is way too young & inexperienced to hold her own show. She seemed to be trying oh so hard to be cool and trendy and, as she never looked comfortable, it wasn't...