I recently re-read 'Airport International', a 1970s book by Brian Moynahan. It makes reference to traveller families living between the runways at Heathrow. Was this really a thing? It's hard to... ...
There was a documentary about Serge that was broadcast not long after he died in '91/91 – I think it was the BBC but it may have been ITV. It had interviews with him and Vanessa Paradis,... ...
This one came up in conversation the other day. Does anyone remember a TV series set in a massage parlour of dubious provenance – it may have been called 'Extras' or something like that. Not to be...
Cadent are living up to their reputation for shoddiness and want to relocate my meter box outside. I don't want them to do this and after much evasion, finally got them to provide an outline of the...
There are gas works taking place in my street, being done by Cadent. They've been pretty poor on the information front (it was supposed to be done by April, and now they're just knocking on people's...
Can anyone remember a song that started each verse with those words? At least, I think it was 'Monica'... it may have been 'Jessica' or something else that ended in '-ca'.
'70s, I think....
I'm posting on behalf of a friend. He moved overseas to the EU about 18 months ago, temporarily to be with his partner's family during the pandemic. He's now made the move permanent. His company are...
This would be in the late '90s / early '00s: a Viz-style parody of Just 17 photostories. I'm not sure if there was only one issue (One of the stories was called 'A story in just 17 photos' - clever)...
I went to high school in Croydon from 1981-86, and have many not-at-all fond memories of the school dinners. In particular: - Cheese & egg flan - Mystery meat pie with chopped eggs, baked in a huge...
I had a flashback to a book in our school library, one of those popular-science-for-inquisitive-kids things. It was actually quite interesting - it had photos of Cherenkov radiation around a reactor...
I'd like to get one of these - the size and shape of my garden dictates that a rectangular parasol is the right thing, but it needs to have the pole to one side or mounted onto the wall. I can find...
There was a terrible advert that ran for a while showing people enjoying food in the 'restaurant', and it would suddenly stop with a musical sting and focus on a smiling chef or a cartoon image of a...
Does anyone have a copy of this? It had Eddie Van Halen on the cover, and - the thing I'm looking for - is a transcription of David Gilmour's solo from 'Yet Another Movie' with a harmonic analysis. If...
I'm tempted to have a crack at recreating this healthy and nutritious dish from my childhood in Scotland. What are the practicalities, though? Are the pies cooked in an oven first or microwaved prior...
Can anybody point me towards a shop that stocks this Spanish beer (or better yet, a bar that serves it)?
There are places selling it online, but they're permanently out of stock....
I want to fit a screen to my bath but due to a window on the top of the wall, I'm restricted in height. Every screen that I've seen online is 1400mm in height - is there anywhere doing one that's...
One had a call-and-response vocal line and horn line ('Here I am...' or something similar) and an ascending 'la la la' chorus. The second had a melody that shifted in a similar way to The Teddy Bears'...
This has bothered me for years. I heard it a few times on Capital Radio and never managed to clock who it was by. It had a sort of stop-start rhythm, sung by a female singer, with slide guitars in the...
I recently jumped from Vodafone to TalkTalk, which has proved to be something of a bad move; I've traded a stable connection for one that's faster but very unreliable. I'm within my cooling off period...