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Is there such a thing? If a relationship starts out on a platonic footing, is it possible for a man and a woman to maintain a friendship indefinitely on that basis, or is it inevitable that after...
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Has anyone tasted this, Good value for money or better to buy a bottle of Barcardi, Some mint, Lime and tonic water/Cream soda and make your own?
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Have a look! http://www.theanswerb...k/Question837650.html...
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not my bag but some silly tw@t wants to go any thoughts?...
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If you can brave the cold!
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AB Editor
What do you think would be the best option to stop multiple usernames?
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I give up I will admit defeet you have all got the better of me (well some.) But only the ones that count....
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Where has everyone gone...?? Come back please...I is bored :-(...
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Why are men so stupid?
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Back in the sixties when I started learning English as a second language we were taught to use the word 'gotten' for instance in a sentence like "Has it gotten any better?" It wasn't really...
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what are the house rules????????
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Saw a thread posted this morning where sara said she and weeal had visited bigmamma. It was completely ignored. If any of you are about, please let us know how she is. I'd like to know, if others...
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Do you use 'Masterpiece Max' mascara? Downloadable coupon for 4.00 off on Superdrugs website! Offer available between 14.12. to 17.12 December x
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Would you like to? ... out of curiosity? I don't mean these skanky, fat, ugly blokes who appear in the cheap smut movies, with bored looking girls. I mean a proper, good looking, fit, tanned, absurdly...
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I spy into all of my partners Internet accounts, snail mail everything. .......he knows I do it and is ok with it, Would you mind if your OH did this to you!...
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They cost £1 you know.
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nowt else .
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Im not. I am as honest as the day is long and I have NEVER reported him but I suspect he thinks I have. So if you have reported him at least stand up and be counted. I always post on the thread who I...

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