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I just finished a phone call which had made me really mad. I stood in the garden and used some errrrr "industrial" language. A few minutes later my mobile rang and it was the person I had...
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I've come up with two ideas for the OH's birthday next month (if he lives that long!) but am being jolly indecisive! What do you guys think:- Option A - I take him away to a lovely hotel eg...
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Can you freeze it? Instructions are in Italian so I've no idea what they say. I shall only use half a tub tonight and it doesn't seem to keep well.
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The freeview TV upstairs used to get loads of channels (like Dave, Yesterday and Sky 3). On Saturday it refused to get a signal. Anyway, I managed to sort it out last night by retuning it. I've lost...
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Anyone know what the going rate is to lay a wood floor in east of england area?! I'm going to call round for some quotes, but I reckon it's got to be worth paying to have someone in. All materials...
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My OH has gone into a DIY frenzy. Admittedly he made a jolly good job of the job he did at the weekend (although not quite finished). He is half way through the next job which involves power tools and...
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Some people have a bucket list. I have a "i promise I won't kill them today, but I can't promise I won't do it tomorrow" list, . Top of that list is my OH. Second on the list are my...
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I want to make some breakfast muffins - you know the ones that can cut in half and toast to make Eggs benedict etc, not those blinking stodgy cake things. Everytime I do a search for...
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I bought some pork fillet with the idea of making my normal stroganoff type dish but decided I fancy something different. Anyone got any nice pork fillet recipes? I've got a fairly well stocked store...
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What colour is your car?!!!!!!!!
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I am about to shell no end of walnuts. Can I put the shells on the compost heap?
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I've never made this before, does anyone have a recipe they swear by? There are loads on internet - some with egg whites and some without, what do you all think?
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I watched all but the last half hour of this film last night when I nodded off. Got to the bit where the pharmo head honcho took him to see the lime pit with 62 bodies. Can anyone tell me what...
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Not a question just a screaming rant. Last week a fault developed with the car. It was in the garage anyway for the shocks to be replaced and some other mechanical stuff which was due to happen today....
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Never before has ASBo had a cold. But for the last 24 hours he has been sneezing and coughing. He is OK in other respects, but should I get the kevlar gloves out and put him in a box and take him to...
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If someone is claiming income support (no partner and not working) and they then start to receive £200 per month for 9 months of the year, will this have any impact on their benefits?
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I had a small fire in the kitchen last night and had to use the fire extinguisher to put it out. I didn't need much. Does that fire extinguisher need replacing now or can I save it for next time I...
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OK, I hate supermarkets at the best of times, but am always polite and pleasant to the staff - until today. Get to the checkout and the girl doesn't even acknowledge I am there and launches into a...
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I was going to make some flatbreads this afternoon to go with the pasta tonight. I normally use strong white plain flour, but am clean out. Do you think 00 flour would do, or should I used strong...
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I've got some filo pastry left that I ought to use up. I fancy making a dessert for tonight's supper with it. Any nice suggestions, please? Also Trim named a type of dessert a few weeks back. I think...

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