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If I save a file from my laptop to a usb stick then upload that file on another computer, does the file record data identifying the machine it was created on or does the file's source remain...
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If I buy a property that goes up in value I can see I have more equity to put to the next property, but the second property will have risen in value as well. I simply can't see how owning a property...
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I sometimes see these discarded in the street. Any ideas what they are? They are sort of grey in colour.
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I emailed a link to a Youtube video to a friend. I copied it to my work account. Trouble is - when I click the link it takes me into my Youtube account. Does this mean my friend had access to my...
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I need a single length of iron/metal railing to put across a gap on top of a 4ft wall where a fence ends one end of the wall and the extension starts the other end. Anyone know where you can buy...
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I am looking for a range of cocktail ingredients. The supermarkets do a few but many are not available in there. Where are the best places to find all you need to make cocktails? Many thanks.
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I purchased an item online from a well-known national department store website. On previous purchases, if I had to return an item in store, I was always given a refund on my credit card. When I...
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Does anyone know how, after I have 'synced' everything off my old iPhone into iTunes, how do I see that it's all on my computer in iTunes? I have unplugged the old phone but want to make sure it...
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I am trying to transfer everything from an old iPhone to the new one. I 'synced' the old one to iTunes. Then plugged in the new iPhone which also hen automatically synced. So then iTunes had nothing...
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If you are buying a property and immediately selling on to another buyer you have found higher price (I think it's called flipping) - you receive the Property Information Forms from the seller's...
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Our terraced house title deeds say we have responsibility to maintain the fence on the North East boundary - so we repair the fence in the back garden between us and no.67. Our neighbour at no.63 has...
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When I rotate my right forearm (for example, when using a tea-towel to dry the inside of a mug or using a screw-driver) something clicks close to the elbow - approx. running from the top of the arm...
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Does anyone know of good opportunities/ideas for someone who has been a successful supermarket manager for many years? My brother has managed many Sainsburys stores over 27 years. It sounds as though...
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We are having a security light put up outside the house at the back. The quote includes the cost of a Certificate. My brother thinks you only need one for electrical works in the kitchen or bathroom....
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Does anyone know where they are filming the new series in London?
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I have inserted hyperlinks to mp3 tracks from a list of songs on an Excel spreadsheet - both the mp3 tracks and the spreadsheet are on a memory stick. I copied all to the C-drive of a laptop - now...
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I can't find when there is a review of the news for 2013 on BBC or ITV. Has anyone discovered any news channel or other channel with such a programme on before the end of the year?
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Which Part of the Civil Procedure Rules does a claim under section 213 Housing Act 2004 come? Landlord will not return deposit and never placed it in one of the authorised TDSs.
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Has anyone else noticed that, if you type the name of a friend/someone you know into Google, then click on 'Images', there are lots of people with the same name who look similar? Maybe it's just my...
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Where might the best places be to look to find evidence of fraud by accounts staff in a small company? The owner is a bit naieve and very trusting of the woman who heads his accounts department. I am...

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