I found this one exceptionally difficult to complete and have several I can't get near. Any help pl? 1a: Panda, one of four in trauma (5,3) I have ???a?c?? 5d: Why the abandonment? Unscheduled dip?...
Sorry for the blank entry - pressed the wrong button too quickly! Stuck on just1 to finish, which I can't resolve at all. 3d: "A change encompassing one part of Saint-Saens's Carnival?" I...
Stuck completely on 2. 8d - Country dance, hard, you picked up (3). I have h??. Thought it should be "hop" but then that would make the last letter a "p" which is also the last...
Stuck on 2 - 5d "Payment tomorrow, perhaps, raised around noon" (6) - I have ??n??? (Is it Monday or Sunday? But if so why?) 6d "Who, say? The Church, say" (9) I have ??o???n?e And...
Stuck on just one - 6d "That is put in to cook hot" 5. II have ?i?r? Have played around with various cooking and heat type words but can't get it. Barry
Stuck on 2 which I just can't see. 6a: "Brilliant finish on outskirts of Czech capital" (6) I have c?r??? Presumably PE comes in here somewhere but can't get any further. 8d: "German...
I seem to be stuck on 2 which no-one else has queried so far! Can anyone help pl? 8d: "It's menacing the flock? Keep moving inside shelter" (5,3). I have s?e?p?e? and am sure it must be...
I have completed the crossword but cannot see why a couple of the answers are the answers! 4d: "Number two is nothing here" (6-2-7). Second in command fits perfectly but how does that relate...
Having done the rest myself, I am stuck on just 3 clues which don't seem to have caused anyone else any problems apparently. Athough I think I know what the answers are, I cannot for the life of me...
Managed to complete all this unaided this time apart from one which has me totally baffled. I can't find that anyone else has asked about it so here goes: 21d: May hold the game in this secret place...
Stuck on just one - 16a: Codifies Latin translation turned into a novel. (13) I realise it's an anagram of the first 2 words, but cannot find anywhere any book that fits those letters. I have even...
Stuck on two - 13a County game leading in where kit can be trialled (4,4) I have ?e?t?e?s I assume the first word is Kent but cannot see any further. 26a A lot of striking stuff in some wines (6). I...
Managed to complete all this crossword without looking in this web site, except for one I can't fathom. 18d (5,3) Rising on-line-delivery service. I have ?a?l?c?r Looks like rally car, but how does...
I have managed to complete all this crossword apart from 2. I did search for these 2 in this site but no-one else has asked about them, so I guess I must be particularly thick this Christmas! Can...
Stuck on just one, which I can't get at all. 30a - "Pull up, there's an obstruction." (5). Have ??t?h Thanks for any help. Think it might be hitch but doesn't entirely fit the clue. Barry...
Stuck on 2 this week - 26a - Navy takes Royal Engineers round fish. ?n?p?e?s looks like it should be snappers, but how does that fit the clue? 25a - Precious stuff symbolically placed in centre of...