Thousands are pouring into Southern Europe notably Italy and Malta. They say they cannot cope with the huge numbers and have made a request to Britain to take a fair share, We have refused so far to... And about time to, how have they managed to get away with this for so long, surely it is racial discrimination? Have white children ever been prevented from being adopted by...
A nice gentle blog by Jon Snow here: http://blogs.channel4...ber-big-society/14699 ///So, as a trustee, a board member, a committee member, a chair, and an occasional functionary, how is my life about...
My apologies if this has already been posted but good God, what is with some people!! The thugs who done this deserve to be in prison. Poor Girl What the hell drives these scumbags to do this??...
This follows on from an earlier question set by me. Did any of you watch this on TV last night? If so what are your comments? Should these establishments for teaching hatred and violence now be closed...
I work for a manufacture that supplies vitamins and pills to well known high street shops. I came across out of date ingredients some are up to 2-3 years out of date. These ingredients are still being...
Convicted heroin dealer Like Welsh-Pinnock (yes spelt right) is planning to sue the Old Bill for breaching his oooman rights after they put his mugshot on name and shame leaflets. And in Scotland...
im wanting to join costco but its wholesale i believe. someone told me you can set up a company so you can then claim back vat on purchases or something, im not very clear on this. any ideas? Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger has already launched a campaign for the nomination in the key states of Iowa and New Hampshire, well that's fair enough, but...
As is often the case with the 'news' an important point is missing, or it is just taken for granted that everybody knows. I've never been to Egypt and until the recent massive demonstrations started...
what do we think people? Not sure about the vetting bit but I'm all for the deletion of innocents from the DNA database. Obvious BGB chances here!...
This latest hijacking took place 800 miles from Somalia. Do you think the authorities are doing enough to prevent future hijackings? This tanker could...
i have both of these and they are both giving different readings...9lbs more! which is most likely to be at fault and is there anything i can do to 'right' them? my instinct is the electric are more... So the BBC think that among Radio 4's 10m listeners there are too many white, Southern and elderly people. I wonder if they also think that among Children's Radio 7's...
new papers released show bottler and his coherts up to their necks in th dark murky stuff over Ali al-Megrahi.
Where there no depths they were willing to stoop to and tnen lie about?...
Manchester council is cutting front line necessary services rather than the back room bowlox jobs. Obviously a cynical ploy to attack the governement. Why are people so brainwashed that they still...