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I've just used that expression in an e-mail to the BF. It made me think - who has ever been silly enough to even try? Where does that expression come from? Is it of biblical origin?
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Now I can understand where that expression comes from. And a face like a slapped @rse - that's pretty obvious what it would look like (red cheeks). A face that only a mother could love - ahh (ugly). A...
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Did you know that in France a paper clip is called a trombone? That could cause a bit of confusion in a music shop. Or a stationers... whatever.
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That expression makes me go "urgh" - because of the profession I'm in I supose - it gives me weird imagery. What expression or phrase don't you like - & why?
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My mum completely disowned me once in Boots in about 1979. Never mind genes & all things maternal - she turned her back on me & pretended she hadn't seen me when I knew darn well she had. Any Why?...
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... we'd thought they'd never end. Two colleagues, in their late 50's, are having a nostalgia-trip (about washing machines, so I'm not joining in). It set me off singing this song by Mary Hopkin...
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.. regarding Eamon Holmes. Apparently he has never learned to tie his shoelaces in over 40 odd years. His mum always did it for him at home, & he has never learnt how to do it himself. I must admit, I...
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What makes you go hmmmm ?
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... what's so funny about that then? Told my daughter this morning I had a craving for a crab paste sandwich, which I haven't had since I was 19. She snorted & said "Ooh, smell my fingers...". She...
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... can anyone give me a rough idea of what a 60,000 mile service would cost on this? I don't want to go & book it, until I know I can afford it....! thanks
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... never mind a dog's life. I've just sat & had my lunch at the local duck pond; lovely views, in the sun, nice. Well, apart from the greedy beggars swarming on me like a scene from Hitchcock's 'The...
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... like Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'? Where you just want to hold your hands over your ears and aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh? I have.
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... I've just been reading through Ian Drury's List of Reasons (yes; incredibly busy here again today...) & very entertaining they are too. What would you list as a reason to be cheerful today?
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... which one would you choose to be? (And anyone who says Gene Hunt from Life on Mars - come on over to my place, because I think he's fab, even though he would probably drive me mad if I lived with...
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.. I haven't quoted any Corrie-isms lately - but there were two crackers recently which I must share. If only one of you finds them amusing, it'll make me feel less of a weirdo... "Why don't you come...
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... I was getting ready for work this morning at some ungodly hour (6 a.m.) - heard the local news headlines in the background whilst I was flossing. "Local nurse from west yorkshire hospital charged...
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... and if so, will it be worth the effort - or will you end up thinking you could have got to sleep half an hour earlier, or not missed a good half of Jonathan Ross?
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... have just had a patient storming out of a consulting room shouting "That doctor is a tw@t - I want a second opinion". I was very tempted to say "Yes I agree - that Doctor is indeed a tw@t" - but...
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... spread my roots a little & branched out into other topics on here rather than just chatterbank. I have posted smut-free threads in Music (no answers as yet), Gardening (don't laugh), Body & soul...
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... such as a hanging basket or box. Anyone tried this? Does it produce a lot of fruit? Any particular strawberry - such as alpine? Or is it all much more trouble than it's worth & they are better...

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