G-mail seems to have altered its format recently. The "compose" sub window has become letterbox small. I have managed to get a full size window but then my composition is shown in ribbon,"tickertape",...
I have recently read this book by Dr Jill Taylor. - Interesting. It would be good to see the views of any other readers. What might be the expected personality effects of a cerebral haemorrhage...
I am a dunce when it comes to electrics! My car has a 6v. system. Is there any gizmo that can be fitted which would allow me to use a 12v. battery and which will reduce the output to 6v. I do not wish...
i notice that in bbc news interviews there is often a photograph of the houses of parliament. it used to be from beside westminster bridge and included the underside of the arches. now it is cross...
I need to go auto soon. My present car is a 2005 Fiat Panda diesel and I have been very pleased with it indeed for its comfort, economy, reliability and ease of entry. It performs admirably both on...
Does anyone know if there are any DAF trained mechanics left in Wirral or Cheshire or Merseyside UK? I use my DAF on a daily basis and it would be good to know that experienced mechanical backup is...
My IBM T30 has wireless capability built in. I know this because I have been using it until my router recently failed. I have now received a new router from my service provider. I can use it to...
Does anyone here know a board game, I think from the U.S.A., called Polylat? It must be about seventy years since I played it at my great aunt's house.
Seventy years ago when I was a lad I was given a wooden jigsaw map of England. The county boundaries defined the pieces and they were assembled within a frame which followed the coastline. Does anyone...
The one unsolved challenge on my delightful car is to get more than a faintly warm response from the heater. Could there be an airlock? How should I proceed? I have owned the car for several years and...
A friend has given power of attorney to a legal adviser and now realises that she made a mistake and wishes to cancel the POA and give it to someone else. Is this possible/easy to do/how?
A former owner has fitted my old car with a "Redex car care robot". It is a meter graduated from zero to twenty seven. What is it? what does it measure and what should it read? Mine...
There was a short and horrid film about people in phone boxes being kidnapped in the box and transported by lorry to a cave in which other unfortunates had been left to die and become skeletonised!...