Dont know if this is just me but when i dream i remember it as an event that has actually happened,what i mean is years later i can get confused sometimes when recalling an event that really happened...
Im going to be renting a house soon and the letting agency wants references off me. I have no idea what to give him. Ive never been employed before, just been in college and looking after my little...
i need to learn to spell can some one please give me a spelling test lol, i enjoy coming on here but not much fun when i cant spell that well . i think i will learn and come back on in 6 months . then...
An anorak of a question here. How do you scroll the pages up/down ? I use the arrow up/down keys, Mr.P moves the pointy thing to the right hand bar, presses and holds down the left hand side of the...
I have always known that Council Tax Benefit is means tested. And naturally bank statements (usually the last three months) have to be produced, but I was surprised to learn from my neighbour that the...
whose clued up on east and west germany? are there still problems in east germany? in what areas do the two sides still differ? any good websites where i can find info because i am pretty stuck on...
Having watched Brokeback Mountain last night, it got me thinking about something which I had never given a second thought to before. If a man visits a male prostitute, who does the giving and who...
My local authority, ( north herts) doesnt offer either kerbside collection for any type of plastic nor is there a recycling bank i can take it to,(apart from bottles). Does anyone else have the...
I need to borrow ?500 - basically to get a laptop for my work. I have a bad credit rating. Can anyone recommend any credit cards that I could apply for or any short term loans that I may have a chance...
Pretend that the "genie in the bottle" has declared that you can have an all-expenses paid holiday for a month anywhere in the world. Where would you go? I would pick Pitcairn Island: always been...
the firm i work for has informed us all,that due to new vehicle tax laws,to save employees money they intend to fit trackers on the vans to prove to tax man we dont use them for private use. is this...