I think there is an error again this week. 27d answer is Alexandrou, but that doesn't quite fit with 43a which is Deiphobus. Is there another spelling of either of these please? Thanks!
2 Down In physics, the force that sets a body in motion 7 letters I _ _ E _ _ _ 3 Down The rank, domain or territory of a Muslim ruler 7 letters E _ _ R_T_ 24 Down 8 letters Attributes as a quality:...
Help please 4d Bar this wine cooking sauerbraten (8) ?a?t?r?? 17a Stickler may create predicament with crime (6) ???a?t 21d Informal protection by taking turn inside (6) b?o???
I know I'm late - but can anyone help with 1a &18a "Hero of a story by James Thurber who indulged in daydreams" ?A???R/M???Y Many thanks in anticipation
Does anyone have any ideas as to how many people complete and send off this crossword for ?1500....I have entered it every week for the past few years and want to know what my odds are!!! Thanks