1a entertainment industrys ostentation grabs coach (4,8) 14a he advocates putting power unit in next complex(8) 6d what's between the lines in u-boat message ?(7) is it subject? 12a give in to highly...
Hello all, help needed with last 3 please. 3d) politicians run out first in easy victory (4) r?m?. 28a) charge in court when detective inspector comes in (6) I?d?c?. 30a) grammatical term manager...
24d nut has enough power after exercises (5) is it pulse? 1a old boy stuck in untidy drawer- it has clothes in it (8) 5a wine from Irish country, initially tipperary (6) 7d chairs get smashed in...
13a 2 golfing items,say what's in cup (3,3) t?a,?a? Tea cap??? 22a disinfectant could make Noel rich (8) is it chlorine or chloride? 17a debtors notes follow overdraft ? That's appalling (6) ?d?o?s...
22d I have permission to collect german pictures (7) I think answer is imagery(but can't see wordplay) 26d in Paris , he supports mother in post (4) is it mail or mall 24a one in 10 returned without...
9a hes called up water transport in river (7) 10a abolish a racical circular (7) 7d itv has masculine plays du ted to such people (4,11) 27a earphones -plug in these after adjustment (7) 12d crockery...
8d go to steal an item of underwear? It's a perversion (8) 2d very little change in Bombay girl (4) is it Anne 4d they lay boundaries one of these in rhs possibly (7) is it hedgers 5a take part in...
Good afternoon all, hope your all having a good day :) I need some help with the last few, 1d) cook I recruited to do about 4 for top Business man ( 5, 9 ). 12d) bewildered Dutch crossword complier...
Hello all, help needed please with last few, 18d) solver, working resourcefully, may make lucre with this (8). 20d) Japanese ware that's cream and orange (7). 22d) Smith set out with you and me on...
Hello all, stuck on last few. 11d) skulk endlessly in front (4) ?r?w 14d) meal with water eaten in grandmas house (4) ?a?h. I can't see the wood for the trees today :) any help much appreciated.
1a harshly cut off cathedral city (8) 5a stop at hospital, hiding feeling of sadness (6) 7d principals cutting advantage(4,5) 15a narc was rather confused by entry permit (6,7) 10a it created a drama...