9a having been robbed I leave deli food bank b?r???d 6d girl brought up good point a???t 15d board support moving trainee onto top contract l?a?e 24a weird laser display takes in centre of bury...
Morning all, need help with yesterday's daily mail crossword. 25a) one friend maintains computer equipment for model (7) I?I?a?e is it imitate ? If so why. Can't get my head round this one :) thank...
Hello all, help needed please with last few. 1a) act with restraint, sacking trainee to cut wages (8) 9a) short missive recalls performances in fall (8) 13a) stupid mule blocks Victor, worried about...
19a old man spread out maps revealing plains (6) is it pampas
4d person who 1 down in season s?m?e?
16a person in rotting garbage ones abandoned (6) thanks for any help...
14d it's wired for width using twisted inner Coll c?I?o???e 8d humble 14 across tours middle east (6) 22a secretly listen to endless record (3) is it tap 23a 4 accept short revolutionarys confession...
is anyone else having trouble with prize arrowword this week Ive got SLENDRR - I am sure the answer must be slender but I have done the whole puzzle and cant see any mistakes. can anyone help please?...
1a check underground lab item (4,4) 28a please supply pass (6) 25a knocks over argument (4) 6d a shopping centre rejected wool supplier (5) 14d ban what snooker players want to get over? (4) is it...