Anyone know where I can find a thing that works like an electric kettle - you put water in it and it creates steam so you can clean and press curtains while they are hanging up, or clothes on a hanger...
i have a jack russell undocked lots of people are always saying i should have his tail docked but why?, i dont see the need for it is it just an appearance thing or is there a real reason. and didn't...
My babies are; Sugar (a Sweet-but-naughty tortie girl) Dragon (a Fire-breathing ginger boy) and Sephone (after Persephone, who became queen of the underworld according to Greek legend - She is...
I have been reading the 'parking' questions with interest and now have one of my own. Is it legal for a neighbour to park across the end of my driveway so that I cannot get in or out of my property?...
why aren't conditioner bottles twice as big as shampoo bottles? I always run out of conditioner well before the shampoo bottle is empty. Is it just me?
I'm writing on behalf of a 'mother of the bride'. She doesn't want to wear a traditional m.o.t.b outfit ie hat, suit, matching shoes etc. She's always dressed in an interesting slightly bohemian way...
From a legal stand point, if you are in employment that you hate, have never been treated fairly by your employer, have never had proper wage or a contract and are looking for another job, do you...
Hi, does anyone know where i can find work that i can do at home. I already have a full time 9-5 job & a part time bar job but i still need more money! I was thinking about envelope stuffing etc?...
I have a new job working an eleven hour day. They have said that I am not covered by the Working Time Regulations 1998. However, they could not give me an exact lunch break length. I know it will be...
My Mum is 46 yrs old and has a weight problem. She use to be 40 and a 1/2 stone. 20 yrs ago she had a stomack by-pass. And lost over 16 stones. But since I was born 14 yrs ago, she has gradually gone...
does anybody know if speed cameras and red light cameras are hte same thing. A couple of days ago one of my passengers thought that a camera flashed me, me nor my other 2 passengers noticed anything....