Does anyone know where I should make a complaint about an irresponsible pub near us that churns out hundreds of drunks on to the street at 3am? I've got nowhere speaking to the police and I'm on with...
I've had an on going problem with a noise nuisance from a nearby working men's club. After 4 years, with the help of Environmental Health it seemed to be OK - no problem for 7 months. Then it kicked...
What is a good pair of binoculars for taking on safari? Can anyone tell me what all the specifications mean and what I should be looking for when trying to buy a good pair?
What should I be looking for when I'm looking for a new pair of binoculars? What do all the specifications mean? I want them for goling on safari - mostly daytime use but may be a little in twilight.
My partner is thinking of becoming self employed. While he's still working for his employer he's trying to build up a client group but people have told him he'll have to pay extra tax because this is...
What is the poem abougt a little yellow goddess to the south (or north) of Katmandu and the mad Karoo? Can anyone give me any information about who wrote it or what the proper version is?
We're going on a two week holiday to Sharm el Sheikh and I know we don't need a visa to travel around Sharm but we might do a trip to Petra in Jordan. Do we need an Egyptian visa to get in and out of...