Another day another report of senseless violence in the Middle East. Is this conflict resolveable whilst Religion is around to mess everything up? Jews vs Muslims vs Muslims vs Christians vs blah,...
Good riddance, then, to Augusto Pinochet. Might be worth watching his funeral highlights, if not just to see Thatcher cry again! (In case anyone needed more proof that she is pure, undiluted evil)....
Does anyone else think that advertisers and salespeople are the true children of the Dark Lord (I don't mean Darth Vader), telling us we need things that we could really all live without? Or am I just...
In view of the fact the there is increasing evidence that Iraq is little more than a money-making exercise, should Britain ever side with the Americans again? They don't listen to us, they don't...
A recent poll showed that the majority of people in both England and Scotland supported independence for Scotland. If this is the case, should the voice of the majority be heard? Is England ready to...
Would anyone else like to garotte Tim Westwood. Is it me or does he sound like Prince Charles doing an impression of a chav? Seriously, he's about as cool as an alunimium smelter. How does he have so...
Try as I might, I just can't seem to get myself to like The Killers. Honestly, are they really as good as the music industry would have us believe? I just can't hear anything new, exciting or...