There seem to be quite a few 'fat posts' on here at the minute and everyone sticking up for the less than skinny person. Now I'm not fat nor am I stick thin I'd say slightly above average...just so...
1. Boys - Who would you spend a night of passion with - Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Anniston? Girls - Who would you spend a night of passion with - Brad Pitt or Jonny Depp? 2. What would you rather...
Thanks for your words of encouragement yesturday, I've just come back from the hosp and had my first scan. I'm pleased to tell you all that all is well and baby mountainboo looks healthy and big....
i hear its a bit chilly back in the uk today? only 79 degrees here just now so still a bit parky too lol sp
After a wet and miserable summer, mental health experts are warning that we face an 'epidemic' of winter blues. People who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) will be starting this autumn...
My 6 year old is getting his first permanent molars at the mo. The ones at the top are fine, but the ones at the bottom - partially erupted so far - are troubling me. At school on Friday, he said...
My lad (8) lost a tooth and the "tooth fairy" forgot to pop ?1 under his pillow. He the accused ME of being said fairy. Inexplicably the next day the "tooth fairy" delivered the dinero covered in...
If you could chose just only 6 from the following, what would you chose? 1) Bacon 2) Sausage 3) Kidneys 4) Black pudding 5) Eggs (your choice in what eggs) 6) Fried pots 7) Toms 8) Fried slice 9)...
No Qs posted since 20.20 it must be a record, has everyone gone to the pub? Whats is more interesting can someone let me know then I can go and do the same?
I've been looking forward to this for so long now. We have been trying extremley hard not to get our hopes up too much just incase anything goes wrong but the excitment has taken over. My friend, who...
good idea or not? my first q on here for ages so thought i'd have to make it a good one and my oh my does it have meaning! so any dodgy experiences or was it as good as they all say?
I've got a cold. Its just come on a couple of days ago. I didn't go to work today, i felt bloody terrible. I've spent most of the day on the sofa with my wonderful mum looking after me. Has anybody...
I've just had road rage after being caught up in traffic and having to reverse 7 lorries length down the road while blinking Stephen Fry sat blocking the bloody road. You ever had any surreal moments...
I know that most of you who are older wont understand why and will think im weird for getting it done but i was wondering what people generally think of tongue piercings and what men think about it? x