33 If you lose something you could try praying to this shortened saint. (3) 34 A German I and a Scotsman get round a northeast university. (9) 47 Sounds like it could be a small popular fish with a... ...
The name in the answer will contain an occupation. During his late teens, he worked as a professional ballroom dancer before becoming a stage and film actor, singer and dancer. (7,4) Thanks for any help
No3 the aniseed flavoured ouzo is a digestif adored by Greeks, and quite few others too. No13 the worlds largest inland brackish sea is the baltic sea. No23 you could say that this will always... ...
Help needed please .1/ Mini acorns 6/ Nieces plural 11/ Takes a turn on this . 12/ 7 1 1 4 2 5 1 3. 5 4 5 . 15/ A cruise out east No numbers of letters given Thank you.
I have to take blood pressure readings, 3 times, morning and evening for 4 days and then record the lowest reading on a form. Of the 3, sometimes it's the upper reading that's lowest and sometimes... ...
Had a Covid booster yesterday which I was told was the 'Pfizer spike' vaccine. Horrible hot/cold shivery night and I can barely lift my arm this morning. Never had a problem with the previous... ...
My Sky package is rising in cost to £57 per month from next month. I've had enough of these relentless increases and I and my wife want to switch it off. I've been a customer since the mid nineties,...
Just been watching old clip of george Jones singing Hello Darling on a tribute concert marking the death of Conway Twitty. Introducing him is a dark haired young man, smooth. Anyone know his name? I...
I was advised to monitor to my blood pressure readings by a nurse at the doctor's surgery whilst having a diabetes check up a few weeks ago. I monitored twice a day over 7 days and the average reading...
Just revisiting this one.Q70 Has anyone got anything different to A Bugs life? probably is the answer but picture clue is not as good as others in that section.Can help with all others.