Very disturbing story here . I don't agree with the death penalty anyway, but if it's to be used, should it be used on the mentally retarded if they suddenly become brainy enough?
Whenever I go to McD's, KFC etc and I just want a burger they always look at me to say "And" and then they say "Big Mac Meal?"No I don't want a friggin meal, if I had I would've asked for it. It's...
at the risk of sounding like an old fogey i was in a bookshop today and there was a kid running around screaming at the top of his voice for no reason at all, the mother didnt seem to find...
The police have now admitted that the man shot dead yesterday was not involved with the attempted bombings but he didn't stop when ordered to and ran off carrying a bag, which potentially could have...
Has anyone found that herbal remedies have helped ease or cure a medical condition for which there is no medicinal remedy? Or has anyone with M.E. or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome found a natural remedy,...
My grannys memory is getting really bad, she cant remember stuff from a few minutes before, where she put stuff, what you just told her etc. Her long term memory is fine but it's really starting...
They will never face justice for what they have done, so why not make their families pay, For example bulldozing their homes as soon as we know who they are. That might make them think twice...
For years ive taken a multivitamin in the morning with a cup of tea. I read today that they should only be taken with cold drinks or food. Why is this and does it mean ive wasted my time and money?
who is paying for all these politicians and sporting types to go to singapore for the result? surely its not coming out of their own pockets so i assume its the tax payer. !
Hi all, I'm going to visit Barcelona for a few nights with a friend and wondered if anyone had any advice on the best places to visit? We're really just after a relaxing break from work with some...
What can I do to prevent further attacks of vaginal thrush? I have been advised various things by the medical profession. I have tried&continue to wear cotton underwear, no bubble bath etc in bath, no...
Ok, maybe this is not a literature question after all but it's about books so I thought..... And OK, maybe it's still not a good thing to start a sentence with OK but who gives a s**t, really?...