im just new here. is everyone leaving cos ive come on?? not that im paranoid but the voices in my head say noone likes me . infact nobody loves me. im niobodys childddddd sniff sniff
1)the uneducated loser who sits at home all day and collect benefits and have adulterous online relationships without having any real idea who they're talking to 2) The care giver who is at home for...
watching sky news yesterday and i saw an item about an old guy from wales ,70 years old. he was off to china to marry a lovely 42 year old woman. who spoke no english but said shed just do as he told...
What is your all time favourite thing! Ever Only ONE though!! e.g. chocolate, sex , football! etc etc myn as to be mmmmmmm chocolate or sex chocolate or sex chocolate or sex!!! er..........(puts...
know that their other half isnt getting them anything for valentines day? Just spoke to my bloke and found out he aint getting me anything, not even a card! so im a bit peed off, the thought would...
is there more to a relationship than just sex? does a bad relationship continue longer because of good sex? or does good sex improve an already good relationship?